
Outdoor Rinks in Rochdale Park

Lawson Heights Community Association owns and operates two outdoor rinks in the community. It takes a considerable amount of time and money to operate these rinks and we know they are appreciated in our community.

If you are going to use a rink, please consider bringing a scraper/shovel to help clear snow. If there is more than a centimeter of snow, please do not walk on it as it packs it and makes it harder to clear. Also, if it is freshly flooded, please let it freeze overnight before using.

Our ability to do this requires volunteer support. If you would like to help with the the rinks, please contact us at info@lawsonheights.ca.

St. George School Rink

Lawson School Rink

We do not have the volunteer capacity to maintain this rink. Our plan, in consultation with Lawson Heights School, is to dismantle this rink at some point.